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Listening to Music and Earning Money Through Spotify - Entertainment Hours

Listening to Music and Earning Money Through Spotify

Home / Entertainment Hours / Listening to Music and Earning Money Through Spotify

Spotify is an app or website where people can listen to music. While not music is available, it is a very convenient tool for a lot of people. They can make playlists where they can compile their favorite music and songs to listen to. Even if you’re using a free account, you can still have access to your playlist and music. Then again, there might be some ads playing after each song. If you don’t want those pesky ads, pay for the premium account which is also worth it. However, aside from listening to music, you can also make some money on Spotifypanel. 

How to make money on Spotify 

First of all, it’s not easy to make money on Spotify, unless you’re already an established name. However, that doesn’t mean that it’s impossible, so just don’t rely on it as a money-making pit right away. In order to make money on Spotify, you can make an account and upload your original music. We emphasize original because there’s no room for plagiarism in this app. If you’re found out to be duplicating songs, then you might not even make money, to begin with. 

When you have your music up, you’re not making money just yet. You will need people to listen to your music. If no one is listening, then you won’t be qualified to make money just yet. You need to have high numbers of Plays. Plays are like the views on a Youtube video, where the more views a video gets, the more money a creator can get. When your songs get good Plays, you can get to make money when you meet all the necessary requirements to make money

How to Get Those Play Numbers Up 

First of all, you need to have your music and songs be good. Nobody wants to listen to music when it’s bad. That’s also another tricky aspect because your music may be good but people might not be into it. You just have to tap into a market that loves the music that you make.

Uploading your music to other social media sites can be ideal as well. Upload them to Youtube and you might be able to attract new music listeners. Be sure to link your Spotify links to your music, so that people can easily click on them. 

If you really want those Play numbers to go up, why not try Spotifypanel? This is a service where they help market your Spotify songs. This can help you get those Play Numbers up. Think of it as a marketing service that you can pay for and get the results. They also provide actual Play numbers if you pay for it. When you pay for the service, people will listen to your music and get the Play numbers up which is good and fast if you want those results right away. Just make sure that you get those services from legitimate providers.